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While you are probably aware that Krav Maga is the leading method of self-defense, few schools approach training with the same level of expertise and relentless dedication as we do.  So what do you get when you train at Claymore? 

Qualified, Skilled Instruction--an expert level breakdown of techniques.  We are well-known for the high level of emphasis we place on proper technique.  We take very seriously our responsibility to provide the highest quality of training.  We consider ourselves perpetual students.  Take a look at our credentials.  There are many instructors out there who may have a basic or outdated Krav Maga certification,  but when your personal safety is on the line, you deserve better.  We have committed years to improving our skills and teaching abilities.  We are the only Black Belt Instructor-certified school in the area.  As such, we are qualified to train and confer rank to our students through all levels of the Krav Maga curriculum.  Our instructors spend countless hours regularly receiving training and testing from the best instructors in the world.  Through our affiliation with the Krav Maga Alliance, we keep current in the most updated techniques, so all of us are at the top of our game.  We build good habits in our students from the start through repetition, feedback and a keen eye for detail.  The better your technique in training, the better it will be when you need it most.

Physical Strength & Staminatogether, proper technique and functional strength make for a devastating response to an assailant, whether it’s powerful striking or grappling for a better position.  Using barbells and unconventional methods like kettlebells, bodyweight, and heavy bags, our FightingFit classes are programmed specifically for self-defense and fighting.  You will have the strength and stamina to persevere in the intense physical demands of a violent encounter.

Mental Fortitudethe will to stay aggressive even when things go bad; to never give in to that inner voice telling you to quit during times of pain and discomfort.  Our classes will train you to overcome the kind of stress faced during violence and the threat of violence.  When the time comes, you know you’ll conquer it every time because you’ve conquered it so many times before in your training.

Confidencethe assurance that comes with knowing you are fully prepared to respond to bad circumstances. You are properly trained, in the best shape of your life, and you know your will is strong because it’s been tested.  Your confidence gives you the motivation to keep improving and carries over into other areas of your life.

Communitythe word we hear most often to describe the culture of Claymore is “family”.  Our members come from all types of backgrounds, life experiences, and personalities.  What binds us together is our passion to help each other learn, grow, and improve.  We welcome everyone who wants to join us in a friendly, safe environment, among people who genuinely want you to succeed.




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